4 week readiness program
worth 2 lakhs for early enrollers

Minimizing Academic Shock with Strong START

Two girls hesitating to talk to the counselor.

Challenges for Indian Students living in International Universities

Solving Challenges for Indian Students with Strong START

Confident guy walking with friends in canada

Modules led by Industry Leaders &
International Faculty from Canada

neha bansal portrait

Neha Bansal

Professeur de Français, Alliance Française & FVI
sakshi agarwal portrait

Sakshi Agarwal

Holistic Life Wellness Coach
nikita charan portrait

Nikita Charan

Psychotherapist, HearToHelp

dr anuradha thakur portrait

Dr.Anuradha Thakur

Assistant Professor, PEC
tarun gridhar portrait

Tarun Girdhar

Global Talent Management & Development, Zscaler
mike ivanof portrait

Dr. Mike Ivanof

Associate Professor, UFV

Module 1

Essential Skills Module

Develop essential skills you need for the real world, meet your professors, make your first friends at Fraser Valley India, and foster personal growth and a sense of belonging.
Two happy Indian girls in vibrant traditional attire, smiling and posing outdoors with a blurred natural background.
Network with Faculty

Meet your professors and get a sneak peek into how your classes are run by our Industry Experts.

Guide to Practical Projects

Learn how the in-class practical projects at FVI work through live demonstrations and demo projects.

Analytical Thinking

Develop essential critical thinking skills through activities like think tank groups, case studies, and peer reviews.

Practical French Skills

Learn French Communication skills that can open doors for you in more than 54 countries across the globe where French is spoken.

Personality Development Sessions

Enhance your personal growth with activities aimed at improving your communication, interpersonal and professional skills.

Mental Wellness for Success

Develop the toolbox for your mental wellness to manage the stress and challenges of your education journey.

Module 2

University Skills Module

Introduction to the University Learning Systems, incdluding the technology, databases and practices you will need to successfully navigate your higher education journey.
Indian girl in graduation attire, smiling proudly
Introduction to North American Applied Education

Learn what North American Applied Education means and how it differs from other education systems.

University Learning System

Learn about UFV’s learning management system, using library databases and resources, as well as managing your coursework.

Academic Research and Writing Skills

Develop effective strategies for academic research, get familiarised with different forms of academic writing, and learn best practices.

Best Academic Practices

Get insights you into the do and don’ts of North American Applied Education. Learn about the best practices to ensure you’re always on the right track.

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism

Maintaining academic integrity is a crucial part of the international education across the world. Learn about plagiarism, citation and referencing, best techniques for avoiding plagiarism.

Life at Fraser Valley India

Learn about the various services and facilities available to you at FVI. Get introduced to various professional and extracurricular opportunities for you to participate.

Enroll for the Strong START Now

Join the Strong START Program, a four week North American Applied Education readiness program worth 2.5 lakhs provided complimentary to early enrollers

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